Friday, March 2, 2012

You are absolutely right. Life is not fair

While enjoying my last few days in paradise I have been thinking about the saying, "wish you were here". We have all said it. Sometimes we mean it but other times it's the opportunity to give someone the elbow and let them know that you are somewhere incredible...and they are not. We have all at one point or another thought to ourselves that life is not fair. It is not fair that I was born with the fairest skin on the planet and Lily has skin to die for. It is not fair that I am currently regretting at least the last hour of my fun at the beach and that when I look in the mirror I resemble a tomato, a stop sign, and a can of coke. Lily on the other hand has tanned remarkably. Not a single burn but the most amazing tan lines on that little bum. It is not fair that people with that same beautiful brown skin are victims of racism and jokes. That it is assumed they aren't as smart or successful or kind. Life really isn't fair. Take a moment and think about the last time you thought that life isn't fair. Is there someone less fortunate than you who would take you up on that unfairness. I'm sad to be leaving my vacation in a few days. It's not fair that there are people lucky enough to live here all the time. They probably think its not fair that I get to lay around on the beach all day (definitely shorter tomorrow). And then there are the people who have never been here. That's not fair either. There is always someone who would take what we have. Someone less fortunate than me. It is not fair that no matter how much I try to explain how time changes work, my kids get up at the crack of dawn. But I am so very lucky to hear those little feet coming down the hallway. Okay. Let's be honest. As I roll over and look at my watch I feel a little unlucky just for a moment...but I am so lucky to be their mom. And while I am not lucky to have the whitest skin on the planet, Jack was equally unlucky to inherit it from me. I am incredibly lucky that he is not burnt like me. He's more the color of pink lemonade, cotton candy, or bubblicious. And because he is lemonade and I am tomato, we will both actually get some sleep tonight. I am not perfect. Far from it. But I am asking you to take a moment when "life's not fair" crosses your mind and really think how unfair it actually is. And maybe your "unfairness" isn't actually so bad.
Oh....and one last thing. Wish you were here. I really do.

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