Monday, September 16, 2013

Whose Body Is This?

For those who know me, you know I am very busy. Don't get me wrong. I am not complaining. I love it that way. I love my family and all their activities. I love my job and all it entails. And I recently started a masters degree because I had a few extra minutes to fill. I just started a new diet and have been going to the gym more often because I am aging and realize that to continue all that I do I need to be healthy. 
But I had no idea how much everything I do depends on my body. Four weeks ago while on the treadmill doing what I had been doing for weeks I felt too weak to continue. I am not a lover of exercise so while on the treadmill my body often tells me it has had enough. But this was different. I knew if I continued I was going to hurt myself. I proceeded to try weights but couldn't lift anything. So I headed home. As the week progressed I had fevers and chills and sweats and was exhausted. But in typical Lindsay style I continued to work, have Lily's birthday party, walk through a corn maze, etc...
And then the rash. I woke up to a few spots. As the day went on the spots covered my whole body and became painful to the touch. I couldn't hug my kids or my husband. I couldn't sleep comfortably or eat. My spleen, liver, gall bladder, and pancreas were affected and angry. I would fall asleep for hours and no one could wake me up.  The doctors tested me for a bunch of viruses. While we knew it was a virus because of how it was acting we couldn't pinpoint what virus. The pain from the rash began to subside only to be replaced by arthritis pain and swelling in ankles, knees, hands, and wrists. And the exhaustion made everything impossible. 
I woke up today knowing that I am going to be okay. My kids need my attention as they are feeling neglected. My husband needs my help as he has been doing everything at our house. My work has suffered. I feel like I missed four weeks of my life. I want to jump back in and get things done but I know that if I don't take it easy, I will just be back asleep. 
But I have learned so much from this. Cherish everyday. Respect your body. Thank those who help you. Know that you don't know what is going on with someone else. Don't judge. Offer help. Don't stare (if you can help it). Enjoy your health. Love life. 

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