Monday, April 11, 2011

Sometimes you have to reach for the mystery dessert.

My favorite dessert of all time is Baklava.  I remember the first time I ever had a bite of that gooey dessert.  My life was forever changed.  And given the opportunity to reach for Baklava, I'm sure I would pick it almost every time.  But what if there was a piece of the Right Slice Lime Pie behind door #1?  I could eat a whole Lime Pie but one piece of Baklava is so sweet that it's all I can handle.  How do you decide?
That pretty much sums up my life since Saturday.  I love my job.  I have the opportunity to work with wonderful people.  We have great rapport and I feel like a part of a fantastic team.  I am incredibly lucky to say that I enjoy going to work.  I have been with the same company since my second year of pharmacy; first as a student, then pharmacist, then manager.  They have provided me with amazing experiences.  They are my Baklava.
But on Saturday I was offered the mystery dessert.  It sounds absolutely amazing.  I will still get to wear my management hat, but I will get to learn so many new things, I will be in an incredible environment, and I will have better hours which will allow me to spend more time with my family.  I think that the mystery dessert is going to be Lime Pie, but only time will tell.  Honestly, all dessert is good, but hopefully I have picked the best one.
And so today I shared my news with my colleagues...who were incredibly supportive.  I hope that I have not disappointed them too much with my decision and I hope that they will see this as a fantastic opportunity for me.  I am at a crossroads and I have decided which way to head but only time will tell if it is the right way.
It's not fair that I am lucky enough to love one job and be offered another that I think I will love just as much.  Farewell friends, colleagues, managers, bosses, patients, Starbucks....I will miss you!!
Today is the first day of the rest of my life!!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats again on your mystery dessert. I'm glad everyone was so supportive. You deserve Lime Pie!!
