Saturday, April 2, 2011

Douche bag. Dill Hole.

And all the other random inappropriate names I can think of.  A little bit of kindness goes a long way.   Last night on my way home from work I was very surprised to find the site of an airplane crash right beside the road that I commute to work on every single day.  Traffic was diverted to one lane, but it was still possible to drive by it.  I want to take a moment and say how incredible it is that more people weren't killed.  The pilot made the best of an impossible situation and saved lives in the process.  Wow! But back to the name calling.  Today after work I went the same way home...okay, I'll admit it.  I wanted to see it again as it seems totally crazy to see that sort of thing right in the city.  But today the road was closed as transport Canada was investigating and cleaning up the site.  Traffic was a mess of confusion.  This poor man ended up beside me with his signal light on and looked sadly at the fact that traffic was totally backed up and he needed to get into my lane.  Lately it seems like as our city grows, less and less people are willing to let you in or help you out.  You could tell that he assumed he was going to be stuck there for a long time.  I tried to get his attention to let him know that I was going to let him in but he didn't look my way so I honked my horn and pointed in front of me to let him know.  Unfortunately the car in front of me assumed I was honking at him....for absolutely no reason as the light was still red and we were just he opened his window and gave me the finger.  Ugh. 
So I am now on my detour and headed down a road that I usually do not take home.  There is lots of traffic because everyone is getting diverted this way.  I am trying to cross over into the right lane so I can exit onto my highway and go home.  But of one wants to let me in.  I am signalling know the universal language for car wants to move over...but I am repeatedly ignored.  I finally get across and the truck in front of me wants into my lane too.  He is also using the universal know, the signal light.  But he is familiar to me.  He's my friendly driver from the finger incident minutes earlier.  And  I let him in....because that's what we're supposed to do. 
I hate those people who zoom in and out of traffic, putting lives in danger only to end up beside me at the next traffic light.  Are you sure you are saving time? To those of you who don't signal because you don't think it's necessary...think again.  You're not doing it for you's so I know what you're planning.  It tells me I can turn left because you're doing the same.  It tells me that you are going into the same lane that I want and that I should be careful.  It gives me an idea that you are about to cut me off because you want into my lane....and it gives me the opportunity to just let you in the easy way.  And to those of you who rush to the front of the closed lane even though you have had tons of notice that your lane is closed up ahead....why should I let you in after I patiently waited my turn?  Why is your time more important than mine?  And to the cars that won't let me into the line up at Tim Hortons....too bad for you because when I have to wait a long time to get in, I often pay for the coffee of the car behind me to say thanks.  You other jerks can buy your own coffee.  Did you know that when the lane is ending and the traffic has to merge, it is actually the cars in the lane that is ending that have the right of way?  So just let them you really want them to run into the wall?  And just so you know...those merging cars aren't always in the clear either....would it kill you to speed up and try to get into the flow of traffic?  Oh yeah...and that thing on the side of your steering wheel is that signal light thing I was talking about earlier. 
We have all been stuck in a situation where we could use some why not offer it to those around you?  Drive smart...considerate and safe. We all have somewhere we need to be.  Instead of being a dumb ass.....Drive With Aloha!

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