Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Dreaming....of bears, sandy toes, and palm trees

Once you know that you are ready to start a family, you start dreaming about what it will be like.  Everyone has a different idea of what will be important to them to share with their children.  For example, during our struggles to have a family, Scott would sadly stare at the Build a Bear stores and wish he could go in a make one for his own kids.  Lily got her first Build a Bear when she was four months old.  We had to wait that long because there wasn't a store in Saskatoon yet and we had to go to another city to make it.  Lily is now the proud owner of Charley, Morris, Hoppy, and Shimmery.  Jack is the proud owner of Rufus. 
Scott and I both absolutely love Hawaii.  We both went with our families when we were kids and we have gone together a bunch of times too.  Our favorite island is Kauai because it is quiet, slow paced, and feels like you have actually stepped back in time.  Every time we have gone to Hawaii together, I have thought about my own little baby bums someday running along the long white beaches.  There is something about sandy baby bums and tiny wiggling toes that I just adore.  We haven't told anyone yet but we are going to Hawaii in February.  It is totally the wrong time to go.  I will just be back to work from maternity leave and since maternity leave pays poorly, our money situation isn't at its greatest.  But it's important. I really wanted to go while our kids were small and I really wanted to go with just our little family of four.  Sometimes our irresponsible decisions turn out the be the very best ones!!

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