Thursday, February 3, 2011

Fate vs. Destiny

Okay.  Okay.  I know I said I would write about day 3 post-partum next, but one can never determine in advance what they might want to write about next.  Is that fate...or destiny?

Fate and destiny are terms that are most often used interchangeably.  They almost mean the same thing and so I will continue to use them this way, but just for interest sake there is a difference.  Destiny describes future events.  It suggests that decisions will be made that will ultimately end up in a pre-destined future.  Fate is a description of the past.  This means that no matter what decisions were made in the past, whatever happened would end the way it already has.  It was fate. If someone is going to be famous someday, it is their destiny.  If they are famous, it was fate that made them famous. 

I'm a believer to a certain degree.  I do believe in free will and I do think that making well thought out decisions is important.  However, I do think that my life will end up the way it is supposed to.  Maybe that's just taking the easy way out when I'm not sure what to do.  Regardless, it has all worked out so far.  I think I believe that different decisions will get you there faster and with less struggle and pain, but ultimately life will end up the way it is supposed to.  On the other hand, I do believe in guiding your kids to being good people.  I will not trust that it is their destiny to turn out okay.

I believe that fate brought our family together.  Watching my kids play, I am amazed at just how much they adore eachother.  There is no doubt in my mind that they were meant to be together.  They have no idea that they have different skin colors or that their hair colors couldn't be more opposite.  All they know is that Lily sings Twinkle Twinkle Little Star when Jack is sad and it cheers him up immediately.  Jack chases Lily around and around the island in our kitchen and Lily loves every minute of it.  There was no way to know how our decisions would bring us here, but there is no doubt in my mind that this is exactly the way that things were meant to be.

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