Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How bad do you want it?

The story goes like this.  I wished upon a star (probably a million times) and begged and pleaded with the powers that be to please give me a child.  While making those wishes, the child I had in mind was blond and blue-eyed.  Of course, after years of trying, I had thought about adopting internationally.  Probably from Kazakhstan.  That's where blond-haired blue-eyed children come from.  I met two fantastic people during our first IVF cycle.  Even though that cycle was a very expensive failure, I still can say that their friendships are entirely worth it.  The statistics of IVF gave us a 2/3 chance of success.  There were three of us.  I was the 1/3 that was not successful.  Just as one dream of a family ended, another began.  One of those new friends had been offered a baby from Nunavut.  She was now pregnant and called me to tell me about that baby.  I was still totally devastated over the failure of our cycle and was not ready to set myself up again quite yet.  But my husband jumped at the chance.  If you know us at all, you know that this is totally opposite of both of our personalities.  I am the one running towards our new endeavor as the last one is completed.  He is the voice of reason.  But he wanted this.  I, on the other hand, was concerned that my family photos would look somehow wrong with this dark-haired dark-eyed child in them.  That is a statement that I never wanted to say out loud and here I am writing it for the world to see.  His response, "How bad do you want it?"  He was talking about motherhood...and wow, did I ever want it.  Of course, moving forward, there were many concerns about adopting.  Honestly, it's a super scary process...totally worth it, but really scary!!  I am thankful every day that he pushed the issue because I have the most beautiful, caring, affectionate, sweet daughter in the whole world.  And when I look at my family photos, I don't think about the fact that she is adopted.  It think about how lucky we are to be a family.  Now, when I meet people who are trying so hard to create a family but who are not interested at all in adopting, I think to myself, "How bad do you want it?"  I guess adoption is not right for everyone, but thankfully it was right for me!!

1 comment:

  1. It was totally meant to be! I truly believe everything happens for a reason, although when you are going through the tough times, it's very hard to find the "reason". I feel so blessed to have found such a great friend in you and know we will be "bonded" forever because of our experience!
