Monday, September 13, 2010

Phew...that went fast

Today was one of those days that you dream of when you want to be a mother.  Today was Lily's first day of school.  Yes, she is only three but there is a Pre-K program here where they go every morning and it's at the actual elementary school.  So, this is the school she will attend for a long time.  She was so excited.  I was pretty excited, a bit nervous, and a little sad.  We dropped her off and she gave us each a kiss and a little wave.  And off we went.  You always want your kids to be happy more than anything so you are always incredibly happy for them when they can walk into a new situation with ease.  But every time they show you that they are a bit more independent, for just a moment there is a twinge of recognition that they need you just a tiny bit less.  Then the moment passes and you are filled with pride.  Great job, Lily!!

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