Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Crisis Nursery

The Saskatoon Crisis Nursery is a place to take your children when you are unable to care for them for the moment.  They offer the children a home like environment with healthy meals, caring "aunties" and "uncles", recreation, reassurance for their parents that their children are safe, and assistance for the parents to find the resources they need.  They have ten rooms; six of which have beds, and four of which have cribs for infants. They are open 24 hours a day. 
Honestly, until recently I wondered who would be a terrible enough parent to need this resource.  Fortunately during my struggles with postpartum depression I had a loving husband, supportive family, and caring friends.  But what if I was a single mother with no one?  I think there would have been days when my children would have then been better off at the crisis nursery while I got back on my feet.  Or what about a mother who is leaving an abusive relationship, foster kids when the foster system is already full, a single mother who requires surgery or needs to attend court.  I now think that it is incredible that this resource is available.  I'm sure it protects an incredible number if children every year.
I have decided to go through all of my kids' old clothes and put together a package for the crisis nursery.  In addition to clothing, they needs items such as baby formula, baby food, diapers, toys, bedding, shoes, etc.   They will take donations at any time but prefer that you avoid mealtimes, as they are very busy cooking and feeding the kids. Check out their website and see if you can help in any way.
It's amazing how your experiences open your eyes.  What I used to think was a service that was abused by bad parents, I now believe is an essential resource for struggling parents. And an amazing opportunity to protect innocent children.

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