Saturday, March 26, 2011

Celexa...Friend or Foe?

First I feel the need to explain that I do not think I am less of a person because I take an anti-depressant. I can only describe post-partum depression as being chased down a dark foggy tunnel to nowhere.  You are totally and senselessly afraid of nothing and wandering through darkness in hopes of reaching the end of something you totally can not understand.  Anti-depressants gave me peace and sunlight and I will be eternally grateful.
I am a pharmacist and for some reason people think that pharmacists love medication.  Don't get me wrong...if medication became extinct, so would my job.  But medication is a chemical and every chemical we put into our bodies needs to be assessed for risk vs.benefit.  Medications are tested thoroughly but they never know it all.  Tons of times there are medications that we have thought to be safe for years only to learn later that they are doing something harmful to an unrelated part of the body.  I am not trying to create fear.  Medication saves lives ALL THE TIME.  But the benefit of the medication should be better than the risk of harm to decide that you need to take the medication.  As an aside...please don't stop your cholesterol medications.  I spend every day explaining that even though you can't feel high cholesterol it still matters.  High cholesterol increases your risk of heart attack and stroke even though you can't feel it.  The benefit of taking these medications is cardiovascular health....and I sort of think your brain and heart should be healthy...therefore the risk in this case is is lower than the benefit of taking the medication.  Blah...blah...blah...
I still love Celexa.  It gave me my life back.  I made a deal with my husband and my doctor that I wouldn't even consider stopping it until spring.  Spring brings sunshine on its maybe I don't need Celexa to do it as well?  Celexa is relatively safe, but as I said before, I am not a fan of adding chemicals to your body that are not required.  My only issue is that I don't know if the Celexa is required. 
In hindsight, I have experienced some depression in the past.  One really cold winter in university, I felt as though I was drifting through life in a bubble from which I could not escape....totally weird, I know...but perhaps depression played a role in that feeling?  And I know I was not myself during our infertility journey.  One should not cry that much or that often. I need an anti-depressant or not? 
I feel more at peace now than I ever have before....but is that because I have a wonderful life with a wonderful husband, a wonderful family, a wonderful job, and a wonderful home?  Or is because of all those things and a little magic pill called Celexa?  My instinct says that I am fine and that a slow taper of Celexa would leave me exactly where I am now.  But what if I am wrong?  My life is way more hectic now than it was during my "inability to cope with life" post-partum days.  I still have two kids (but I do get a lot more sleep now) but I also manage a crazy busy pharmacy, work full-time, attend swimming, gymnastics, and soccer (blog regularly :)  and try to keep in touch with my friends.  I don't really have time for a breakdown at the moment.
I don't think the answer is available tonight.  But I do need to know if my good friend Celexa is needed or if it can be become a distant memory of a good friend who got left behind. 

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