Friday, March 11, 2011

It's great to be loved!

Thanks everyone for your concern.  We arrived home yesterday afternoon...long before any threat of a tsunami hitting Kauai.  Our last day in Kauai was quiet and peaceful.  We enjoyed the ocean and Lily and Jack both frolicked in the waves along the beach.  It's hard to think of the ocean as a threat that could kill so many.  We are always cautious when around the water, but it's hard to believe that something like a tsunami could occur. My thoughts and prayers are with those in Japan right now. 
I did think about the possibility of a tsunami while sitting on the beach and looking at the warning system that they have in place. Never in a million years would I have thought that it would happen so close to our close to our last walk along the beach.  My first thought was of all the wonderful people that we met and who have touched our lives in the last few weeks.  Because of the dollar, there were tons of Canadians everywhere we went.  The locals and the Kama'aina in Hawaii are so incredibly kind.  To think of them in danger was hard.
It sounds like the tsunami calmed before reaching Hawaii and that minimal to no damage was done.  The place we stayed at was just outside the tsunami inundation zone but still within the evacuation zone. It's nice to know that we would have been safe if we had been there longer.  But it is definitely better to have avoided the worry or danger.
We have received tons of calls and emails from family and friends who were concerned for our safety.  I want you all to know we are and sound.  But it sure is great to be loved!

Tsunami 2011

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